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Good nutrition is an essential ingredient of quality childcare.  At Hill's Jump Start, we aim to develop good food habits, because early experiences with food have a strong impact on a child's future eating habits and health.


 The food children eat influence their growth and development, capacity to learn, and their overall

behavior.  Knowing this, we provide the children with nutritious meals, which will help foster the development of positive eating practices and enhance their emotional and psychological growth.


Nutrition Support Program


Hill's Jump Start use the nutrition support of the Family Day care Network as a guidence nutrition program.  Family Day Care Network monitors our menus and meal served when monitoring visits is made.  They also provide monthly newsletters and schedule nutrition workshop training to keep child care providers updated of new nutrition information to help ensure we can provide the best food services for our center. 



At Hill's Jump Start we provide three nutritious meals daily for the children. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Milk or Juice based on USDA guide lines and the food guide pyramid. 

Menu Foods Served:

 Kinds of Foods Served On Our Weekly Menu:









Grits, Cheerios, Oatmeal Cereal, Juice, Banana. Apples, Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits, Sausages Patties, Waffles, Corn Flakes, Pop Tarts, Hash Browns, Bagels, Breakfast Pizza, Toast, Strawberries, Milk and More.









* Lunch:

Meat Loaf, Chicken, Green Beans, Peaches, Rolls, Lasagna, Ham, Baked Beans, Fruit Cups, Pizza, Cabbages, Hot Dogs, Fish Fillets, Corn, Pineapples, Hamburgers, Peas, Turkey, Turnip Greens, Breads, Milk and More.










Graham Crackers, Carrots, Muffins, Fruits, Toasts, Ritz Crackers, Celery Sticks, Browies, Juice, Milk, and More.



*Our menus rotate on a four-week schedule to provide variety for your child.



Eating Right Every Day !!!!!!!!!!!

*Exercise & Healthy Eating


*Infant Meals Served Daily*

* Healthy Babies And Nutrition *



* Infants Feeding:

Our Infants are served formula and grain cereal during mealtme.  We also begin to serve our babies fruits and vegetables from the jar using a soft spoon during feeding time. 


As the baby grow (one year old), they begin learning to feed themselves and eating solid foods, drinking juice and whole milk during each mealtime.

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